
Liszt: Années de pèlerinage (complete)

Nimbus (NI6202), 3 CDs

– The Classical Reviewer Best of 2012
– MusicWeb International Recording of the Month (April 2014)

Première année: Suisse (First Year: Switzerland)
1 Chapelle de Guillaume Tell (William Tell’s Chapel)
2 Au lac de Wallenstadt (At the Lake of Walenstadt)
3 Pastorale
4 Au bord d’une source (Beside a Spring)
5 Orage (Storm)
6 Vallée d’Obermann (Obermann’s Valley)
7 Églogue (Eclogue)
8 Le mal du pays (Homesickness)
9 Les cloches de Genève: Nocturne (The Bells of Geneva : Nocturne)
Deuxième année: Italie (Second Year: Italy)
1 Sposa lizio (Marriage)
2 Il pensi eroso (The Thinker)
3 Canzonetta del Salva tor Rosa (Salva tor Rosa’s Song)
4 Sonetto 47 del Petrarca (Petrarca’s Sonnet 47)
5 Sonetto 104 del Petrarca (Petrarca’s Sonnet 104)
6 Sonetto 123 del Petrarca (Petrarca’s Sonnet 123)
7 Après une lecture du Dan te: Fantasia quasi sonata (After Reading Dante: Fantasia quasi sonata)
Venezia e Nappoli (Venice and Naples) Supplement to the Second Year
8 Gondoliera (Gondolier’s Song)
9 Canzone (Song)
10 Tarantella
Troisième année (Third Year)
1 Angélus! Prière aux anges gardiens (Angelus! Prayer to the Guardian Angels)
2 Aux cyprès de la Villa d’Este 1: Thrénodie (To the Cypresses of the Villa d’Es te 1: Threnody)
3 Aux cyprès de la Villa d’Este 2: Thrénodie (To the Cypresses of the Villa d’Es te 2: Threnody)
4 Les jeux d’eau à la Villa d’Este (The Fountains of the Villa d’Este)
5 Sunt lac rymae rerum / En mode hongrois (“There Are Tears for Things/In The Hungarian Mode”)
6 Marche funèbre (Funeral March)
7 Sursum corda (Lift Up Your Hearts)

Szymanowski: Complete Piano Music

Divine Art (21400), 4 CDs

– Gramophone Recommended Recording
– BBC Music Magazine Benchmark Recording
– MusicWeb Recording of the Month (November 2006)
– Pianist Magazine Recommended Recording

Prelude in C sharp minor (1901)
Nine Preludes, op. 1
Variations in B flat minor, op. 3
Four Studies, op. 4
Piano Sonata no. 1, op. 8
Variations on a Polish Theme, op. 10
Fantasy for Piano, op. 14
Prelude and Fugue (1905/09)
Piano Sonata no. 2, op. 21
Metopes, op. 29
Twelve Studies, op. 33
Masques, op. 34
Piano Sonata no. 3, op. 36
Twenty Mazurkas, op. 50
Romantic Waltz (1925)
Four Polish Dances (1926)
Two Mazurkas, op. 62